Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lost Reverence...

I just read Psalm 7, and the verse that stood out to me the most was the last one, verse 17 - "I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High." (emphasis added)

I recently had a conversation with my husband in which he was telling me that he feels like people have lost reverence for God. He reminded me how, in Biblical times, even God's name was holy, and people were careful about when and how they used it. I'm ashamed to admit that I was kind of flippant about the issue during our conversation - but it showed me how I, too, have lost that reverence. All around me, all the time, His name is used casually. In fact, when I get frustrated, I have a tendency to say "Good Lord" which my husband always replies, "One of these days He's going to answer you." Yes, that is somewhat amusing, but not so when I realize what it says about how I'm treating the only, Almighty, Creator of the universe. When He spoke, people trembled. When He walked by, Moses was only allowed to see the back of Him, because His glory was too much to behold, and even the reflection of His glory on Moses' face had to be covered up. We tend to like to think of Him as our close, loving friend, and yes, He loves us, but we also forget sometimes Who He is. He deserves all the praise and honor we have to give, so my prayer is that I will learn to "give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness."

On a side note - I've been married about 3 and half months (I know, not so long yet!), and I am constantly humbled as I live with and learn from my husband. This is not the first time he's seriously challenged me by his attitude or things he's said. I admit that I don't always receive it with grace, but I am grateful. Marriage is truly refining - which can be equally hard and wonderful. All that to say, I'm truly thankful for my husband and all that I'm learning from him.

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